Noisy install in termux

What is Noisy?

A simple python script that generates random HTTP/DNS traffic noise in the background while you go about your regular web browsing, to make your web traffic data less valuable for selling and for extra obscurity.

Tested on MacOS High Sierra, Ubuntu 16.04 and Raspbian Stretch and is compatable with both Python 2.7 and 3.6

How to inatall in Termux?

Open the termux app and type following commands :

$ apt install git
$ apt install python
$ git clone

Navigate into the noisy directory

cd noisy

Run the script

python --config config.json

The program can accept a number of command line arguments:

$ python --help
usage: [-h] [--log -l] --config -c [--timeout -t]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --log -l      logging level
  --config -c   config file
  --timeout -t  for how long the crawler should be running, in seconds

only the config file argument is required. We can use Noisy in Android phone.
