MetaSploit install in termux (No Root)

What is MetaSploit?

The Metasploit framework is a very powerful tool which can be used by cybercriminals as well as ethical hackers to probe systematic vulnerabilities on networks and servers. Because it’s an open-source framework, it can be easily customized and used with most operating systems.

MetaSploit install in Android :

Open Termux app and use following commands :

Use the following commands to install the package (only for Android 7 or higher):
  • pkg install unstable-repo
  • pkg install metasploit
If your device running Android OS versions 5.x.x-6.x.x, use these commands instead (unstable-repo is not available for legacy installations):
  • curl -LO
  • gunzip metasploit_5.0.65-1_all.deb.gz
  • dpkg -i metasploit_5.0.65-1_all.deb
  • apt -f install
Installation may take long time since additional Ruby gems will be installed. Do not close Termux sessions until installation finishes to avoid introducing of potential inconsistencies in $PREFIX.

How to use MetaSploit in Termux :

Open termux app and type following command to run metasploit :
  • msfvenom
Now you can use metasploit in your Android phone using termux app.
