Termux commands list | all termux commands

Termux Commands :

Termux is an Android terminal emulator and Linux environment. Termux can be installed on most Android devices and do almost anything you would do in a full Linux development environment on that device.

Basic Commands :

1) Date : Date commnad is used to display currnet date and time of your system.

2) cal : cal command is also known as calendar command it will display calendar.

3) clear : clear command is used to clear the screen.

4) whoami : this command is used for display the name of current logged in user.

5) ls : ls command is known as listing command it is used to display all the files and directory of current directory.

6) cd : cd is known as change directory it is used to change the current directory.

7) pwd : pwd is used to display the path of current directory.

8) cat : cat is used to read a file, create a new file and more.

9) mkdir : it is used to make a new directory.

10) rmdir : it is used to remove a directory.


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